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looking up at the mandalay bay hotel, one of our favorites in vegas...excellent buffet

in front of the volcano in front of the mirage...also an excellent buffet

in the lobby of the mirage

rooty jr. in front of the volcano at the mirage

this shot was from one of the monster size parking garages they had in those huge casinos...we sure walked a lot this trip...back and forth thru casinos and parking lots

nice tripod shot in the mountains

on the way to lake mead and the mountains once again, this shot was taken just past the last house built up the side of the mountain...a minute later you had left all civilization behind and were in the middle of the mountains

at lake mead we drove down to a cove where they had a boat ramp and walked around a while

we also went to red rock canyon, which is close in by vegas

a view at red rock canyon...there were these huge rocks that we climbed all over

rooty jr. at mt. charleston, where the part we were at was about 8,000 ft. up...the peak went up a few thousand more ft. from where the cabins and restaurant were

at the restaurant patio on mt. charleston there were dozens of these hummingbirds that kept zipping up to the feeders and then zipping away...they paid no attention to us at all and almost crashed into us many times

rooty jr. on the patio at mt. charleston

a nice mountain shot on the way up to mt. charleston...you can tell it was here because until you got up to about 5,000 ft. there was not a single tree that we saw in the mountains

another mountain shot near mt. charleston

a close up of the red red rock at red rock canyon

the gush smiling near mt. charleston

rooty jr. and palm tree

this was lake las vegas on the way back from the aborted hoover dam trip...a large gated private section we could not get into

rooty jr. relaxing on the rocks at red rock canyon

rooty jr. and the gush at mt. charleston

a shot of the valley at mt. charleston

rooty jr. gazing out at the huge rocks at red rock canyon...some of the were office building sized

along the 13-mile scenic one-way drive in red rock canyon national park

at red rock canyon we brought along this nice picnic lunch and decided to tailgate it inside our rental suv with a great view of the surrounding mountains

another shot from the parking garage

parking gargae again...what a great smile...and what a pointy chin

a shot on the way up to mt. charleston

red rock canyon...it's hard to get an idea of the size of these rocks in a photo

rooty jr. made me take this shot of this odd cell reception tower disguised as a tree...yeah, except there was not another tree around here for miles

close up at red rock canyon

this was a bizarre sculpture in one of the casinos that was mostly made of bottle caps

red rock canyon vista

rooty jr. in front of this odd mirrored wall in a casino

this shot was from the new casino...the wynn...it was of these cool parasol shapes that were the lights in this huge circular stairway...a great hotel and a must visit for those going to vegas

rooty jr. smiling while wishing she were back on solid ground again somewhere in red rock canyon

rooty jr. and the gush inside the lobby of the mirage

the view down from mt. charleston

this shot was put in for yoshi...it was from the sept. 11th memorial display that the new york new york casino had put together in front of the casino...our nickname for yoshi is ...yup, eldon

these images are from a recent trip rooty jr. and i took to vegas. we were there for 4 full days and had a great time. we spent a lot of time in the surrounding mountains that ring the city.

we tried to go to hoover dam, got within about 2 miles and got turned back by national park rangers because they had shut down the highway that crosses the dam due to the removal of the two towers on the dam, so no pics from hoover dam. oh yeah, we did not win, but we only lost a small amount on the trip...cheap gamblers.

site design: small logo for gushindesigns Gushin Designs  contact: small logo for gushin Gushin or small logo for gushina Rooty Jr.