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Rooty Jr., Michael & Lindy Wellborn and Eddie Seidenberg in Rooty Jr.'s dressing room. Rooty Jr., Lindy Wellborn (in mirror) and Rooty's mom Fortuna Antebi in Rooty Jr.'s dressing room. Rooty Jr. and Rooty's mom Fortuna Antebi in Rooty Jr.'s dressing room. Rooty Jr. applying a few last minute beauty touches before the wedding in the bridal dressing room. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room looking just beautiful and radiant in her great wedding dress. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room looking just beautiful and radiant in her great wedding dress. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room looking just beautiful and radiant in her great wedding dress. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room with Orly and Mara. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room with Sarah and Fortuna. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room with Rachel and Andie. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room with Jack and Andie. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room with her brother Jack. Rooty Jr. in the bridal dressing room with Andie and Sarah. Rooty Jr. being very cheerful and full of zest in the bridal dressing room with Rachel. This is the wedding Processional with Rachel coming down the aisle. This is the wedding Processional with Rooty Jr. coming down the aisle with her parents on either side of her.

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