web design
fun and family

fun and family

i do not exist by web design alone. over time i have also built a large family informational and photo site.

i started the site out when i was still getting my degree, so some of the code is fairly old. as time has passed and i have learned new technologies, i have tested them out on the rooty jr. site before using them elsewhere. that accounts for the varying photo display techniques seen on the site. you just never seem to have time to totally re-do your own sites in this business. sad, but true.

rooty jr and gush

click to enlarge

what began in november or december of 2003 as a birthday present for my lovely ruthie (rooty jr.) was a small web site with photos.

it then took on a life of its' own and became a repository of over 1100 images for family and friends all across the united states.

the rooty jr. and gush site